HEY buddies. My name is Fina for short my full name is Nor Afrina. I'm actually was born in Sik, Kedah but I stay in Seremban . My favourite colour is pink, white and black. I really like chocolate and ice cream very much. Besides, I have 4 good friends Suha, Ayin, Aween and Daliela , four of them shoo cutee. My hobby is blogging, facebooking, tweeting, instagraming, singing and eating. :D My ambition is become a successful engineer.BTW, i really-really like graphic things. And one more thing, I wanna be a great person in the world. :D THANKS for READING , sorry if my english is so bad. I'm just a human being who makes mistakes. :D
Serabut tol la ngn dax nipp..haisshhh..aq cepuk kang..dh besar2 nk still nk ngjok ag..aduhh..bikiin pusing ini kpla..huhuhu..dh bpe jam dh..lnx la at dye..dlu,puas2 nk pjuk dye..kdg2 uw,,geram gak at dye..kuang2..... waduhhh,,, pew cer ny???? wlw pew pown aty niepp ttp syg..hahaha..ayt jiwang siyottTT...xleh blah kowtt..smpy cnie dh la..xlehh lbih2..kntoi nnt..huhuh..
Serabut tol la ngn dax nipp..haisshhh..aq cepuk kang..dh besar2 nk still nk ngjok ag..aduhh..bikiin pusing ini kpla..huhuhu..dh bpe jam dh..lnx la at dye..dlu,puas2 nk pjuk dye..kdg2 uw,,geram gak at dye..kuang2..... waduhhh,,, pew cer ny???? wlw pew pown aty niepp ttp syg..hahaha..ayt jiwang siyottTT...xleh blah kowtt..smpy cnie dh la..xlehh lbih2..kntoi nnt..huhuh..